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The 'small talk'

My name is Simone Collins, wife (of 24 years and counting) to Jeremy and mum to our 4 kids aged from 15 to 22.

I started stamping when our first baby was just a year old and haven't stopped.  In addition to card-making,I'm a hopeless sugar addict who loves to drink coffee, listen to self-help and business podcasts while out on a run and sing along to country music when out and about in my car. (Don't worry, I keep the windows up so you don't have to hear me.)

The 'real talk'

This stuff is a bit personal, but if you’re here, it’s because you want to know what really makes me ‘tick’ so I’m gonna trust that this is a safe space and let you in on my story.

As a ‘stay-at-home’ Mum I felt completely invisible. Going about each day for everyone around me without spending any time on self-care. In fact, the concept of self-care was entirely alien to me. At school pick-up one day, another Mum told me that I was the most negative person she had ever met. It got me thinking, and she was right.  Without realising it, I had become so entrenched in doing everything for everyone else (my family, school P&C, local basketball club and even other families) that I was completely miserable. I even remember telling Jeremy that I felt ‘trapped in paradise' on our gorgeous Perth Hills 5 acre property.  His response? ‘I can’t make you happy, that’s something you have to do for yourself.’

It bruised me because it was so true. I had to make myself happy but didn't even know where to begin. What made me happy? I knew what made my unhappy, but I had no idea what would make me happy. I spent literally months thinking about it and trying to figure out what I liked to do.

I had been card-making for a long time, about 15 or so years at this point. I enjoyed it but had never considered it a real passion. I couldn't even tell you what made me think of it, but I decided that it might be fun to start selling my cards. I was probably nuts for even thinking about it, and was too embarrassed to tell anyone at first, but I quietly went about opening an ETSY shop to sell my cards. I was so surprised when they actually started to sell! I can still remember my first sale. Not only did someone find my little ETSY store, but they liked MY handmade card so much that they wanted to give me money for it!  What the heck? Truly amazing! And that was the beginning!

I realised that if I felt like this, you were out there feeling the same way, looking for something 'just for you'.  That’s why I decided to sign up to Stampin’ Up! as a Demonstrator.  I could encourage and inspire you to start your own creative journey to find joy in the quiet moments, like I am now. (After all, life is just a series of moments, might as well enjoy them, right?)

Today, there is nothing I love more than a friend telling me how I have inspired them to do something a bit different with their paper-crafting. Trying a new technique, tool or product that they hadn’t before to create something they are truly proud of.

I was telling my story to a shop owner (now a friend), where I sell my cards. She literally said to me, with tears welling in her eyes " I feel like you just read my diary." That's when I knew for sure that if she and I were feeling like this, so were you. If you feel like I just read a page of your diary, I welcome you to send me a message so that together we can find the ‘happy you’.

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